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About Us

Do you have a never ending ‘To Do’ list? Work way beyond your contracted hours? Give at least one day up each weekend to work? Trouble sleeping as you’re thinking about your workload?   

You’re not alone. We were there too.  


But why does teaching have to be this way?  


It doesn’t! We were desperate to carry on being Primary school teachers – a job we love – but equally desperate to regain a healthy work life balance. We were sick and tired of burning ourselves out at work and then returning home to our own families completely void of energy and patience.  

As teachers, of course we want to deliver the very best lessons to the open minds sitting in front of us. We’d love to read far and wide to find the very best books to share with our pupils. We’d love to create a whole series of lessons with engaging resources and modelled writing intricately linked to amazing texts. But how is that possible in just two and a half hours of Planning, Preparation and Assessment time each week? It isn’t... unless you sacrifice your own time along with your own physical and mental wellbeing.  


That’s why we founded Teaching From Text. 


We find the best books – so you don’t have to. We write detailed lesson plans around the books – so you don’t have to. We differentiate, create teaching videos, make the activities, write the modelled texts and even hand draw the images – so you don’t have to!  


We create time for teachers.  


Our fully resourced English lesson plans based around high-quality, diverse and inclusive texts are ready to pick up and run with. We give back the hours teachers used to spend on their English planning so they can finally get to the bottom of that ‘To Do’ list and still have time for themselves and their families.   

The Creative Team

Nicola Talbot

I grew up with a mild obsession with stationery! So naturally, after completing a degree in geography, I completed my PGCE and qualified as a Primary School teacher in 2007 where I had free access to green pens!

I have taught in a range of schools - both state and private schools. This includes teaching in Malawi, studying teaching in America and going on an exciting journey to the Netherlands where I loved teaching in a British school for three years and riding my bicycle wherever I went!

In have taught all across the Primary Key Stages and have had a range of leadership roles including being a Reading Lead Teacher and an English Lead Teacher. I have also fulfilled the role of a Middle Leader where I achieved the qualification of a Mastery Specialist in maths. 

For many years I was incredibly happy being a Primary school teacher and couldn't believe that I got paid for doing something I loved so much! But what I didn't take any notice of was the hours I was working. Every evening and one day each weekend- without fail - I would be tapping away on my laptop planning and creating resources. 

It wasn't until I had my first child, that I was absolutely desperate to find a balance. I wanted to continue doing the job I love but I certainly wasn't going to sacrifice time with my family, my energy levels or my wellbeing for it. 

I knew I wasn't alone in the desperation to find a balance for teachers: reducing the pressure without compromising the quality in the classroom. 

That's when Teaching From Text was born!


Nicola Talbot and Davina Stapley Teaching From Text

Davina Stapley

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved drawing, reading, weightlifting...and talking. My passion for reading, drawing and talking all led beautifully to a career in teaching! Whereas weightlifting became a coping mechanism...I would train on my way home from school. This was both for my wellbeing and to give me enough energy to open the laptop once home and crack on with work for another couple of hours. Plus, it helped me sleep! 

Education has always been my home! Many years ago, at the turn of the century, I was employed as a Teaching Assistant and over the years I have progressed within my career doing exactly what I loved. I have taught children across a range of schools, including mainstream and special needs education, and I have fulfilled the roles of Art Leader and Resilience Leader among many other roles.   

I have always been so happy in my career and putting in the hours. However, when I had my daughter, she was always going to be the priority and the way I had managed my time was no longer manageable. I needed to find a balance between my family life, teaching the wonderful children and my passions.  

This is when Teaching From Text was created! An opportunity to read endless high-quality books, an opportunity to draw the hand-drawn illustrations, a chance to leave my evenings planning free whilst still ensuring lessons are of an outstanding quality, and most importantly, putting my family, and myself, first.  

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